danny roberts artist biography

His acting career declined throughout the 1980s but. He came to public attention during the 1970s appearing on the television sitcom Welcome Back Kotter 19751979 and starring in the box office successes Carrie 1976 Saturday Night Fever 1977 Grease 1978 and Urban Cowboy 1980.

Danny Roberts Fashion Illustrator Alfalfa Studio

John Joseph Travolta born February 18 1954 is an American actor and singer.

Danny Roberts Art Creative Direction

Danny Roberts Fashion Illustrator Alfalfa Studio

Danny Roberts Fashion Illustrator Alfalfa Studio

Danny Roberts Igor Andre Danny Roberts Illustration Portrait

Danny Roberts Fashion Illustrator Alfalfa Studio

Danny Roberts Fashion Illustrator Alfalfa Studio

Danny Roberts Fashion Illustrator Alfalfa Studio

Danny Roberts Fashion Illustrator Alfalfa Studio


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